Our writers
Our customers most often want to know about the writers who will be working on their assignments. We are proud to say that our team of writers is talented, qualified, and hardworking. Please keep reading to learn more about them.
Every writer hired by Paper Fellows is completely qualified to work on college-level writing assignments and more. We only hire writers who are native English speakers, have college degrees from accredited schools, and have work experience. We also demand that they have writing experience. Before we hire them, writers must take an intensive writing test.
- All writers 498
- Accounting 322
- Advertising 128
- Agriculture 126
- Anthropology 223
- Architecture 205
- Art 311
- Astronomy 78
- Aviation 47
- Biology 331
- Biomedical science 62
- Business 472
- Business law 85
- C++ 2
- Chemistry 170
- Childhood studies 114
- Communication strategies 335
- Communications & Media 354
- Construction 73
- Construction engineering 4
- Consumer behavior 16
- Consumer behaviour 18
- Counseling 67
- Counselling 57
- Creative Writing 8
- Criminal justice 351
- Criminal law 70
- Criminology 120
- Culture 71
- Dance 3
- Digital marketing 71
- E-commerce 81
- Economics 373
- Education 437
- Engineering 226
- English 452
- Environmental science 289
- Ethics 94
- Finance 361
- Food science 50
- Gender studies 36
- Geography 201
- Geology 101
- Global marketing 25
- Government 64
- Graphic Design 3
- Health and social care 104
- Health policy and law 55
- Healthcare & Medicine 434
- History 394
- Homeland security 50
- Hospitality & Tourism 89
- HR 27
- Human resources 199
- International business 133
- International relations 150
- Investment 106
- IT & Technology 339
- JavaScript 4
- Journalism 152
- Land law 27
- Law 382
- Leadership 143
- Life Sciences 5
- Linguistics 63
- Literature 343
- Logistics 254
- Management 442
- Manufacturing engineering 2
- Marketing 394
- Marketing strategy 73
- Mass Media 13
- Mathematics 163
- Medicine & Dentistry 172
- Mental health 159
- Military 61
- Movies 253
- Music 235
- Natural science 196
- Not defined 477
- Nursing 468
- Nutrition 204
- Organizational behavior 80
- Organizational behaviour 29
- Other 427
- Paintings 70
- Pathogenesis of disease 117
- Pedagogy 202
- Pharmacy 39
- Philosophy 330
- Physical studies 38
- Physics 109
- Political science 382
- Politics 77
- Project management 101
- Property/Real estate 121
- Psychology 457
- Psychology & Pedagogics 13
- Public administration 103
- Public health 192
- Public law 42
- Public relations 277
- Quality and performance management 69
- Religion & Theology 283
- Risk management 62
- Ruby on Rails 2
- Social science 137
- Social work 377
- Sociology 391
- Software engineering 3
- Sport 9
- Sports 122
- SPSS 3
- Statistics 202
- Teaching 4
- Technology 18
- Theatre 161
- Tort law 36
- Trade 90
Writer`s ID
Orders completed