Our writers
Our customers most often want to know about the writers who will be working on their assignments. We are proud to say that our team of writers is talented, qualified, and hardworking. Please keep reading to learn more about them.
Every writer hired by Paper Fellows is completely qualified to work on college-level writing assignments and more. We only hire writers who are native English speakers, have college degrees from accredited schools, and have work experience. We also demand that they have writing experience. Before we hire them, writers must take an intensive writing test.
- Food science 1
- Accounting 62
- Advertising 2
- Agriculture 1
- Anthropology 6
- Architecture 13
- Art 34
- Astronomy 3
- Aviation 1
- Biology 43
- Biomedical science 1
- Business 443
- Business law 2
- Chemistry 16
- Childhood studies 8
- Communication strategies 28
- Communications & Media 39
- Construction 4
- Counseling 1
- Criminal justice 95
- Criminology 9
- Culture 2
- Digital marketing 1
- E-commerce 1
- Economics 81
- Education 326
- Engineering 17
- English 344
- Environmental science 7
- Finance 109
- Geography 4
- Geology 2
- Global marketing 1
- Government 1
- Health and social care 5
- Health policy and law 3
- Healthcare & Medicine 315
- History 201
- Homeland security 2
- Hospitality & Tourism 1
- Human resources 34
- International business 6
- International relations 4
- Investment 1
- IT & Technology 93
- Journalism 1
- Law 176
- Leadership 10
- Literature 51
- Logistics 17
- Management 358
- Marketing 124
- Marketing strategy 2
- Mathematics 10
- Medicine & Dentistry 11
- Mental health 16
- Military 1
- Movies 9
- Music 8
- Natural science 4
- Nursing 436
- Nutrition 7
- Organizational behavior 2
- Paintings 1
- Pathogenesis of disease 3
- Pedagogy 4
- Philosophy 49
- Physics 7
- Political science 122
- Politics 3
- Project management 7
- Property/Real estate 3
- Psychology 411
- Public administration 11
- Public health 18
- Public relations 15
- Quality and performance management 2
- Religion & Theology 22
- Social science 7
- Social work 97
- Sociology 159
- Sports 6
- Statistics 27
- Theatre 2
- Trade 1
Writer`s ID
Orders completed