I received a draft document on Saturday 25th November after reviewing this document I provided feedback via a Word document on Sunday 26th November. I asked for confirmation to make sure you had received this information. This morning I have received a completed document which unfortunately I cannot open as it has been sent in a different format. Have the changes already been made that I requested on Sunday? Can you please confirm? Thank you.
Best writer, good work
I am please with the overall writer, it was a little intense with prolonging the deadline, and miscommunication. The 5 star is not for the conflict getting this project done in a timely manner. It is purely due to the talent of the writer, in the end I am very please with the results. I like fair reviews not reviews base on personality differences.
He has done a wonderful work in a short time and he was very interactive in wherever item needed discussion.
Great piece of work
Great job!
Hello, this was good work, will be coming to you for some help on some paragraphs in the main dissertation. Reading the paper, it makes sense and is what I have asked for and expected. Had a few minor setbacks but it was resolved as soon as possible.
Very good work, the work achieved 70%+ If I had clearer objectives, the grade could have easily exceeded this. Thank you.
Thank you!