passed great job
Carrie - You did a great job on your paper! Your discussion of capital budgeting for Divas and Dons Brunch Spot is detailed and well-organized. Great work! -Dr. Rosalis
Carrie - You did a great job on all of your posts. Your discussions were well-thought out and organized. Great work! -Dr. Rosalis
Carrie - Excellent work on all of your posts! -Dr. Rosalis
Carrie - You did a great job on your paper. Your discussion of Divas and Don Brunch Spot's legal structure, funding, and exit strategy is thorough and detailed. This is a great business venture with a catchy name, and sounds like a wonderful place to visit. Great work! -Dr. Rosalis
Carrie - You did an excellent job on your paper! Your discussion of the sales process, sustainability practices, and the competitor analysis for your business venture is spot on. Great work! -Dr. Rosalis
Excellent Job
Great work!
Job well done!